Now that we are in KSA I am able to start the process of getting my papers in order so Mr EE and I can get import permits for our three girls marooned with the vet in
Malaysia. We have never been away from our pets for this long before and hope never to be again.
Let me in....... please........ |
In the meantime as new people in the compound the resident cats are doing their best to ingratiate themselves with us. Cats are everywhere in Jeddah and our compound is no exception. The majority of the cats have been adopted by residents (and have collars to prove it so they are not taken away) but live a sort of communal, outdoors life. They are not ferral but they are not truly house pets either. I think a lot of them are related as they look suspiciously similar and I hope the 'owners' have done the responsible thing and had them sterilised as I am not sure I can resist a kitten (because my resolve
worked so well the last time). There are dozens of cats on the compound but there are about 4 or 5 that are making a concerted effort to ingratiate themselves with me.
You can't resist our feline powers of persuasion... |
That said they are desperate to make friends and seem to want nothing more than to sneak into our house. A few of them stare plaintively through our windows, sometimes miaowing fit to break a heart all in an attempt to convince us that they are abandoned kitties that need a loving home. Others stalk me as I come back home from the shop, running around my feet trying to sneak past me. If I did not see the collars and know that there are several feeding stations set up by residents around the compound I might be taken in.
I lost a leg, you have to let me in.... |
While a part of me would love to let them in and act as an extra feeding station cum petting room I don't think our girls in Malaysia would forgive us. Bessie, the oldest dog is still not to happy at the idea of having one kitty sister so I doubt she would ever speak to me again if she got to her new home to find it overrun with felines. I am not sure what Kismet will make of them, she is a lot smaller that the bruisers that live on the compound and they have tails (Kismet like most Malaysian cats has a club tail). She has been an indoor cat to date and I want to protect her from fights in the future but at the same time I don't want her to get depressed at seeing all these other cats out of the window. We will have to work it all out when she is here.
If you are not going to let me in I will just sleep
in the middle of the road.... |
Some of the cats are real characters. The swimming pool posse are particularly engaging. One likes to dangle his paws in the pool but looks terribly offended if you swim in 'his' water, another likes to walk up and down the side while I swim lengths.
Playing the long game. This Kismet look alike
sleeps outside our windows. |
I am holding firm and refusing to feed them, I do succumb to the odd request for a scratch on the head though, as long as the request is made some distance from my front door.
It is hot and you are making me stay here...
I could be in your lovely cool kitchen.
For more posts on life in KSA click on the picture below
Posted as part of the weekly Animal Tales Link up
I bet there isn't a rodent problem in your compound! I bet before you leave there you have adopted at least one more cat, I know I probably wouldn't be able to help myself.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are soon reunited with your pets, it's not nice being separated for them or us.
Yup the cats certainly earn their keep! I am keeping firm so far but Mr EE and I saw a tiny kitten in the school compound the other day. It was wiht its mother but had it been alone I suspect we would have kept it.
DeleteHopefully your pets will soon be with you! It actually sounds like a rather idyllic life for the cats in the compound although it does seem like they're seeking some extra human hugs.
ReplyDeleteThey are living the life of Reilly really.
DeleteHope you have your pets soon, these cats look so cute, I'd find it hard not to feed them too #AnimalTales
ReplyDeleteThanks - we should be able to go to the court for the import certificates very soon.
DeleteOh my, that looks like my kind of place! Cats everywhere you look! That's fabulous.
ReplyDeleteHorrid about your lot being stuck in Malaysia though.
DeleteI have to go to the UK expectedly after a family death so I have not had time to read any #AnimalTales posts. I will do so when I get back. Please note there will be no linky this coming Tuesday - sorry.
ReplyDeleteRosie, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our deepest condolences from all the EE family from here in Saudi.
DeleteThank you. Catching up with #AnimalTales at last. You are doing well resisting all those beautiful cats which must be so hard with your own pets so far away. Have you any idea when you will be reunited?
Deletewe have a lot of stray cats here in Dubai also, there are several feeding schemes locally and they TNR, trap, neuter and release
ReplyDeleteYup that is pretty much what they have done here. Apparently the released cats are territorial and keep other non speyed ones from coming onto the compound although how effective it is I am not sure, I did see a kitten (with its mother) the other day.